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    Axonius Presents at the 2019 RSAC Innovation Sandbox Contest

    Axonius was tremendously lucky to be selected as one of 10 finalists in the 2019 RSAC Innovation Sandbox Competition. A total of ten cybersecurity startups are selected to pitch their solution in three minutes on stage to a panel of five experts. Two are chosen as finalists, and one wins.

    Unlike some of the other technologies presented by finalists, asset management is pretty far from rocket science. It’s a problem everyone seems to have, and it’s been around for decades.  Additionally, the Axonius approach is simple:

    • Connect to the security and management solutions that customers already use.
    • Collect and correlate information about assets, users, and security solution coverage.
    • Show how each asset relates to the overall security policy.
    • Let customers take action — automated or otherwise
    But this simple approach resulted in us winning the RSAC Innovation Sandbox. Here is our presentation.
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